
of ceiling wax

reading YA, graphic novels and the spaces in between



surveillance capitalism and the good ol’ days

I started listening to the audiobook of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff (PublicAffairs, 2019). 20min into the 24hrs(!?) I discovered I already know all this. Also, I couldn’t handle anymore of Zuboff’s writing style or the narrator’s voice.

“I have dedicated the last twelve years to observing and analyzing the quiet emergence of a fundamentally anti-democratic new economic logic that I call surveillance capitalism” – Shoshana Zuboff

Zuboff could have halved her wordcount by replacing Surveillance Capitalism, with the word the rest of us use: Capitalism.

Continue reading “surveillance capitalism and the good ol’ days”

when androids dream of getting laid

Some might say this has spoilers, but is predictable writing spoilery?

Echo Boy by Matt Haig (Random House, 2014) is a somewhat predictable romance with sci-fi action and adventure thrown in. I knew from the first that Echo Boy of the title would be breaking hearts. I listened to the audio book on my commute and it was a good way to pass the time.

Continue reading “when androids dream of getting laid”

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